Our Mission

Serving the Needs of the Elderly

The primary mission of the Richland Voluntary Council on Aging is to serve the needs of the elderly population in our community by providing a comprehensive range of services. With a deep commitment to promoting the well-being and quality of life for seniors, our organization strives to address both their physical and social needs. One of the core services is the provision of nutritionally balanced meals, which are prepared both onsite and delivered directly to the homes of those who are homebound or find it difficult to cook for themselves. These meals play a crucial role in ensuring that seniors receive the nutrients they need to maintain their health and vitality.

In addition to meal services, our Council on Aging understands the importance of staying active and engaged. We offer a variety of activities to keep seniors mentally and socially stimulated. One popular activity is bingo, a game that not only provides entertainment but also promotes cognitive functions such as memory and concentration. Transportation is another vital service we provide, as many older adults may face mobility challenges or lack access to adequate transportation options. Our reliable transportation services enable seniors to attend medical appointments, grocery shopping, or participate in community events, ensuring that they remain connected to their larger community.

Moreover, healthcare and social services play a crucial role in our Council on Aging's mission. We organize regular guest speaker events, inviting professionals from various fields to educate and inform seniors about important health and social topics. These speakers address subjects such as chronic disease management, preventive care, and planning for the future. Additionally, we provide essential information about insurance coverage options to ensure that seniors have adequate access to healthcare services. Our organization also collaborates with local health providers and community agencies to offer various resources and programs that address the specific needs of older adults.

In conclusion, the Richland Voluntary Council on Aging is fully committed to serving the needs of the elderly in our community.